GOUREVITCH Danielle : “Limos Kai Loimos – A Study Of The Galenic Plague”
Auteur : Danielle GOUREVITCH
Éditeur : De Boccard
Date : Janvier 2013
Pages : 171
ISBN : 978-2701803364
Présentation de l’éditeur :
Danielle Gourevitch continues her investigation of pathocenosis in the Roman Empire in the footsteps of Mirko Grmek and his seminal work Diseases in the Ancient Greek World. After Les Maladies dans l’art antique which she wrote with him, and building on her Giovanni pazienti di Galeno, as well as Pour une archeologie de la medecine romaine in this collection, she now follows the trail of a cataclysmic epidemic, the first smallpox epidemic in the classical world, a loimos which, in a context of poor nutrition, lack of food and even famine, limos, devasted the Empire under Marcus Aurelius.
Sommaire :
- Foreword : a book in English ?
- Introduction : Food, pathocoenosis and history of medicine
- Food shortage and disease according to Galen
- Roman bread under the Empire : An archaeoentomological and archaeobotanical report
- A pestilence that was smallpox
- The route of death
- Conclusion
- Limos kai loimos, a bibliography
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Laurent Galopin (3 février 2014). GOUREVITCH Danielle : “Limos Kai Loimos – A Study Of The Galenic Plague” La Médecine dans l'Antiquité. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/vxzk